Next up in our International Women’s Day series, we have Senior Associate & Project Architect, Seema Sethi.

What advice would you give to young women aspiring to a similar career path?
Don’t compare yourself to others. Keep your head down, stay focused, and live your truth.

What’s the biggest learning experience you’ve had?
Becoming a mother. It isn’t about me anymore and I have to think about things differently. It
has taught me how to manage my time effectively, multitask, and most importantly how to stop
sweating the small stuff.

What’s your favorite/most rewarding part of your work?
Hands down the people I work with!

Can you share a moment that’s inspired you?
Watching Kamala Harris being sworn in as Vice President. It was an important day for me as a
Woman of South Asian descent.

If you could have dinner with three inspirational women, dead or alive, who would they be and
This is such a great question! Georgia O’Keefe, Martha Stewart, and Lucille Ball. They were/are all brilliant and crazy and lived life on their terms. I can definitely relate to that!

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