Ted Givens :

Ted Givens is Senior Design Principal of 10 Design. With more than 25 years of experience, he has worked on projects ranging from 2.5 million square meter urban developments in Asia to beach houses in LA.
Ted’s team has won over 30 design competitions in Asia, including two large competitions in South Korea recently won by the newly founded Miami studio, and numerous awards most recently a 2017 Cityscape Dubai residential futures award. Ted has had articles and projects published in the South China Morning Post, Evolo magazine, Mark, Boston Globe, and AD. His work has also been featured on ABC’s Right This Minute, Bloomberg, the Weather Channel, and in the ARTE-TV documentary L’ARCHITECTURE CLIMATIQUE.
He has recently presented at 100% Design Shanghai, Archi Fest, Tongji University, and at the NUTAU Housing Conference in Brazil. He was a juror for the Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards 2017. Ted has taught masters level graduate architecture studios at Hong Kong University and at the University of Miami in 2019. He has been a regular guest critic at CUHK. He was recently interviewed by German Public Radio on how the probability of disaster should influence design thinking. Ted recently taught two traveling studios in 2019 at the University of Miami, one with the University of Bahamas and the other with Suez Cap in Kuala Lumpur.
Research, design innovation, and collaboration are key drivers behind Ted’s work. Recent explorations include a building skin that purifies the air, the Atomic Monticello, a collapsible/tornado proof suburb, and a famine resistant house/sustainable homeless community. A sustainable ultra-poor housing prototype is just starting construction in the rural Philippines.