Cycle to MIPIM | One Week Later

A week ago today, our President & Principal, Scott Lee, and SVP & Principal, Bruce Wright officially made it over the Cycle to MIPIM finish line, and now it’s time to say a huge thank you to everyone who has messaged words of support and donated to an incredible cause!

For those who don’t know, Cycle to MIPIM is a 7-day, 1,500km ride from London, via Calais, to Cannes, to raise money for several of Club Peloton’s vital charities. Day one, which would usually be a ride from London, via Kent to Calais, took an icy turn… severe weather conditions meant that the first day was spent in a van and on a boat, as opposed to a bicycle. Luckily day two, although still wet and windy, started on schedule. From then, the riders cycled over the gently undulating landscape of northern France, before reaching the lush green, vine-clad hills of Champagne and Burgundy, finally reaching the drier south, Gorges du Verdon, and the welcoming sight of the azure Mediterranean.

The ride was nothing short of epic (exhausting but epic), to give you a taste of the 7-day-long adventure, we’ve listed out a few vital stats below:

  • Total ride: 673 miles (1,084 kilometers)
  • Total vertical ascent (climbing): 39,257 feet (11,914 meters)
  • Ride days: 6 (Day 1 canceled due to extreme weather, aka SNOW in London)
  • Average distance per day: 112 miles (180 kilometers)
  • Average vertical ascent per day: 6,542 feet (1,994 meters)
  • Longest distance in one day: 137 miles (220 kilometers)
  • Highest vertical ascent in one day: 10,282 feet (3,134 meters)
  • Temperature range during rides: 31 F – 63 F
  • An average day starts with a 5:40 am wake-up call for a 7:00 am ride start time
  • Total riders: 82
  • Support crew: 30 (special thanks to the Physio team for keeping many people on the road!)
  • Total funds raised by Scott and Bruce (so far): $10,165
  • Total funds raised altogether (so far): $200k

“Bruce and I were the only two riders living outside of the UK, so it was our first time meeting the riders and support team, and everyone was incredibly welcoming and supportive (and curious why we would come all the way from California to ride in these conditions – valid question!). A huge congratulations to all riders, what a massive achievement for the entire group!”

Scott Lee, President & Principal, SB Architects.

Over the course of the 7 days, the riders braved snow, hail, rain, and extreme winds, they ate/drank together, and most importantly, motivated each other to get back in the saddle each day. The team left the cycle with new friendships and incredible shared stories.

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far, it’s greatly appreciated. Although the ride may be over, the fundraising efforts are still going on for another week or so. If you can, please head to the links below to contribute, all money raised will go towards a fantastic cause and will positively impact the lives of many people!

Scott Lee – Just Giving

Bruce Wright – Just Giving

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